what is bodytalk?
Bodytalk is a safe way to improve or maintain your state of health. It is a simple and effective holistic therapy that allows the body's energy systems to be re-sychronized so they can operate as nature intended. Through day to day stress, lines of communication in our bodies become compromised, leading to a decline in physical, mental, and emotional health. Reconnecting these lines of communication allows for improved health and prevention of disease. It stimulates the body's ability to balance and heal itself.
BodyTalk understands the profound influence the psychology of the body has on our health. Instead of focusing on the symptom, BodyTalk finds the underlying causes of illness by addressing the whole-person and their whole-story.
The BodyTalk techniques provide insights to the areas of your body that need attention. What might seem like an obvious problem to you is not necessarily the one your body wants to address first.
This is the beauty of BodyTalk. It respects the body's own needs and determines your body's priorities for healing. Then with the use of a variety of non-invasive techniques, BodyTalkers refocus your body's natural healing response to establish better communication within the body.